Builder Agreement In Lucknow

10. The owner or his representatives have the right to check the progress of the construction and the materials used for the construction and they are entitled to tell the architects of defects in the construction work, the quality of the transformation or the materials used when such defective work is carried out or carried out or such material is brought to the site. If the architect is satisfied with the objections raised, the architect in question must certify it in writing and order the owners to correct the defect at their own expense or remove these defective materials, and these will be corrected or removed by the owners as requested. Ask the builder of the house three or four references of buildings he has built. You can either ask the owner to take you to the previously built buildings, or you can visit them yourself. Do a SWOT analysis of the building. Do this to understand the manufacturer`s ethics, problem management skills and methods. 3. If the owners do not complete this work within the time frame set out in the above provision, the owners pay on the owner`s choice, but without prejudice to the other legal rights of the owner and other provisions of the owner, damages liquidated to the tune of Rs……….

per day (but subject to a ceiling of 2% of the total amount of the contract payable by the owner under this agreement) for the period between the specified period for completion of the work. The owners expressly agree and authorize the owner to deduct, if necessary, from such liquidated damages from a staggered payment due and to pay to the owners within the meaning of this agreement. The owner`s residential properties include compact apartments, planned buildings and luxury apartments of 4HK and 5 BHK. 4. The owner pays the builders a sum of Rs…………. whose owner pays each week to the owners the amount that can be sufficient to cover the costs incurred by the owners for the materials used in the works, verified and certified by the architect, Rs…… on the architect`s certificate that the work is completed up to the first floor, the additional sum of Rs ………… on the architect`s certification that the work is completed and that the balance must be paid on the architect`s certificate, that the above works have been completed in all respects in accordance with the agreement and that the owners have, at their own expense, removed all scaffolding, fencing, materials and unused waste from the premises and managed the bungalow for immediate use and use and management. However, an amount equal to 5% of the total amount of the contract payable by the owner under this contract is withheld by the owner as a deduction allowance which, after a period of 12 months from the date of delivery of that bungalow, is fully due and is due for occupancy. The owners agree and undertake to remedy any defects that can be found or found during the 12-month period.

If the owners do not correct the defects found or refuse to correct the defects found by the owner within a fortnight of the date of notification to the owners, the owner has the right to have these defects corrected by other agencies that he deems appropriate for all the costs and risk of the owners and to use the deduction allowance; To the extent that, in the event of insufficient deduction pay in question, the costs, costs and expenses incurred by the owner to remedy the construction defects are not sufficient, the owners must correct the defect within 7 days of the owner`s written request, otherwise the owners are required to pay the same amount as the interest of 15% per year.