School Community Use Agreement

As schools become more connected and digital, it`s increasingly important to have a clear school community use agreement in place. A school community use agreement outlines the policies and guidelines for how members of the school community can use school technology and digital resources.

Why is a school community use agreement important?

First and foremost, a school community use agreement can protect students and staff from potentially harmful online behavior. By setting clear expectations about what is and isn`t acceptable online behavior, a school community use agreement can help prevent cyberbullying, harassment, and other negative experiences.

Additionally, a school community use agreement can help schools comply with legal requirements related to student data privacy and online safety. By outlining what digital resources are available, who can access them, and how they can be used, schools can ensure that they are following best practices and staying within legal guidelines.

Finally, a school community use agreement can help promote digital literacy and responsible use of technology. By setting expectations around appropriate behavior and digital citizenship, schools can help students develop the skills they need to be responsible digital citizens both in and out of school.

What should be included in a school community use agreement?

A school community use agreement should be comprehensive and address a variety of issues related to technology and digital resources. Some key elements to consider including are:

1. Acceptable use policy: This section should outline what is and isn`t acceptable behavior when using school technology and digital resources. This may include guidelines around appropriate language, content, and online interactions.

2. Data privacy: This section should outline what data is collected, how it`s used, and how it`s protected. Schools should also outline their compliance with state and federal regulations related to student data privacy.

3. Security: This section should outline the measures the school takes to keep digital resources secure, including password policies, access controls, and data backups.

4. Consequences: This section should outline the consequences for violating the school community use agreement. This may include disciplinary action or loss of access to school technology and digital resources.

5. Parental involvement: This section should outline the role parents play in supporting their students` responsible use of technology and digital resources. This may include guidelines for monitoring students` online behavior and communicating with school staff about any concerns.

Overall, a school community use agreement is an essential tool for schools looking to promote digital literacy, protect their students and staff, and comply with legal requirements related to student data privacy. By taking the time to develop a clear and comprehensive agreement, schools can create a safe and productive digital environment for their entire community.